Spring on the Plateau is a slow, evolving process that comes in fits and starts as the temperature gradually rises, bringing the grassland back to life, animals out of hibernation, and witnessing the first blades of grass piercing through the dusty earth. Spring unfolds after the new year, spelling hope and new beginnings. Herders in Ritoma mark this time by singing the Mani song, which lends a melodic tune to the mantra of compassion, Om Mani Padme Hung. It indicates people’s peaceful wishes for the many creatures that come or come back to life with spring. The people of Ritoma have their first laptse of the year in spring, in the second month, during which they pray to the gods for a smooth transition into the new season. 

The thawing of the earth brings a rise in human activity, mainly sowing the oats cultivated as fodder for the following winter and preparing the dung to be used as fertiliser. Families watch newly born yaks totter around their mothers, and the winter- born lambs gather strength to the great joy of children who play, feed, and fondle them. 

Like a temperamental child, spring alternates between the warming sun and snow blizzards. If it lingers, delaying pasture growth, the animals, still recovering from winter, will start to perish from lack of grazing. In the past, when nomads had fewer means of providing winter fodder, they were at the mercy of nature. Today, adequate preparation for winter fodder in the form of oats cultivation allows a better chance of animal survival during the unpredictable spring. 

Finally, as the grass transforms into a soft green pasture, a wave of relief washes over the Ritoma herders. The sheep gather strength, and life returns to its normal, vibrant rhythm.