Tibetan picnics are a world unto themselves, a celebration of summer, of blue skies with billowing clouds, of green expanses; a time to enjoy nature at its best before the return of biting winds, frost and ice. A typical picnic lasts for several days and is organized expedition-like, with tents, furniture and everything that makes up a full kitchen. Norlha holds its annual 3 day picnic once a year, usually at the beginning of August. A preparation committee is appointed by the management team to organize food, setting up of tents and activities. The spot is a beautiful meadow on the hill above the workshop, a winter grazing area for yak and sheep. In midsummer, it is carpeted with wild flowers and offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding expanse of grassland. The day preceding the picnic is abuzz with activity, people coming and going, setting up the tents, the kitchen, and shopping for food. Tibetan picnics start early and everyone is present by 8:00 am to sit down to a hearty breakfast of tsampa, large lumps of fresh butter, bread and an array of noodles and vegetables. The first day is one of easing into picnic mode, talking, playing badminton or ball, strolling into the pasture, dancing, and playing cards. |