Summer is the time of flowers. After an austere Spring of greys, and discrete, greening browns, flowers take over the pasture. Like brushstrokes, they paint themselves across the rolling hills, in blues, pinks and yellows. At their peak, they become a dominant yellow and mark midsummer. For Tibetan nomads, this ocean of yellow marks the peak of summer, a moment of knowing that from thereon, the days will be shorter and the flowers less. It is also the moment idealized as nature’s bounty, an offering to make up for the harshness of winter, an invitation to relish in nature’s splendour. Picnics are organized to enjoy this ephemeral moment, with friends and families gathering outdoors in celebration. Children play in the grasslands, picking flowers, making garlands and running through the rolling hills until their boots and clothes turn yellow. For us here at Norlha, we even have our own tradition. At this peak time in mid-July, all the Norlha employees take an afternoon to walk up to the pasture above the workshop and dance with the seemingly infinite flowers. |