Inside Norlha

Inside Norlha

When you buy a scarf or a piece of clothing, what do you really know about it besides what is written on the tag? Who makes it? And What do we ...

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A Spinner at Norlha

A Spinner at Norlha

Dolma Tso is one of Norlha’s top spinners. She began working eight years ago, and though most women who start off as spinners move on to other ...

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Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution

When Norlha was founded in 2007, its core principle was transparency. We created products that could be traced back to their origin, with a raw...

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Feather Waterfall
Animals and Surroundings

Feather Waterfall

Norlha is a hub of creation, a place our master weavers and designers play with the infinite possibilities offered by the talent of our craftsm...

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Spring and Baby Animals
Animals and Surroundings

Spring and Baby Animals

Spring may be bare and rather chilly in Ritoma, but the coming of new life is a great source of joy. Children look forward to the moment when t...

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Spring Equinox
Animals and Surroundings

Spring Equinox

As winter fades into spring, the days become a little longer and cold wind’s bite slightly eases. Winter’s intensity froze the environment and ...

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Feather Sublime

Feather Sublime

A summer shawl is a concept in itself. Winter is a time for layering, and a thick shawl or scarf is the final protective layer to fight the col...

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Dorje Rinchen

Dorje Rinchen

His life began on the pasture, as the son of nomads from the Gyenja region, near Labrang Monastery. Surrounded by rocky peaks and known for its...

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The Colour Turquoise

The Colour Turquoise

Tibetans painting is expressed in primary colours; Red, yellow, blue and green are the shades that define building decorations, murals and clot...

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The Women who make Norlha

The Women who make Norlha

Behind every piece of clothing we wear, there is a story; not just that of a brand, of a look or the inspiration behind a product. There is a m...

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