A softly textured yak khullu and silk-blend summer scarf with a distinctive design, the Feather Waterfall Scarf features a centre panel of naturally pleated fabric, an effect which is created by balancing yak wool and silk in its weave. The scarf’s side panels have a higher concentration of silk, which tightens the weave, creating a smoother surface. In lightly contrasting shades, this scarf has a light sheen owing to its high percentage of silk.
The scarf is made from a blend of yak khullu and silk. The yak khullu comes from 1 albino yak sourced from a local nomad cooperative. Each summer, the yak naturally sheds its down which is then carefully collected by hand. The silk is responsibly sourced from Zhejiang. P R E P A R I N G W A R P
The warp is prepared by Jigshe Tso in a very meticulous and long process that requires much concentration before being woven.W E A V I N G
The silk is then woven by Rinchen Tso on our shuttle looms creating a weave that is light as a feather. Its unique property is the yak fiber filling in between the silk thread, giving it a distinct, warm and comforting touch.H A N D F I N I S H I N G
Once woven, the scarf is labelled and any remaining imperfections are picked out by Gombo Kyi during the final quality control checks.I R O N I N G A N D S T E A M I N G
The finished scarf is then ironed and steamed by Tselo. In total, it takes 15 artisans with 13 varying processes to create a Feather Waterfall Scarf.F I N A L P R O D U C T
This yak khullu and silk blend scarf is specially produced at the Norlha Atelier. “We don’t apply chemicals to make our pieces excessively soft,” says Norlha founder Kim Yeshi. “It’s all about what you can achieve with natural hand-applied processes. When you touch or wear the fabric, people say you can feel a little part of the plateau on you. There’s an honesty to it.”