Behind every piece of clothing we wear, there is a story; not just that of a brand, of a look or the inspiration behind a product. There is a more invisible reality in that of the women or men who made the piece; the place they live in, the life they lead, and what this job means to them. Norlha chose to bring out the makers of our scarves, clothes and wraps to the forefront so that you know who made your clothes. Norlha’s women are all from the village of Ritoma, born into nomad families, and in the case of all those above thirty, having lived on the pasture herding their family’s yak and sheep. They are women whose life has changed more in their lifetimes that at any other time for hundreds of years. Still, unlike many other rural women in other regions or countries, they have not had to migrate to cities and work in factories, sending money back home. Though their lives may have changed in that they learned new ways and gained more financial independence, they are still rooted in their culture and will continue to evolve in the midst of the society they were born in, becoming a link between past and future. Here they are; weavers, felters, finishers, hat makers and tailors; each having contributed their talent to the piece you love to wear. |